Select scenario
First scenario (sc-1) |
Second scenario (sc-2) * |
* The option for two scenarios allows for comparison of management and/or location. |
Select location ( sc-1 )
Enter zip code: | |
or Click on the map |
Selected lat/lon: NONE |
Select crop ( sc-1 )
Cereals |
Pasture and forage |
Fibers |
Legumes |
Fruits and vegetables |
Sugar and stimulants |
Select planting and harvesting dates ( sc-1 )
Planting date: | |
Harvesting date: |
Specify yield ( sc-1 )
Select tillage ( sc-1 )
Type: |
Conventional |
Conservation |
Subsoil |
Light/weed-control |
Direction: |
Straight row |
Contour tillage |
Water management ( sc-1 )
Rainfed |
Auto irrigated |
Manually irrigated |
Water stress threshold | ![]() |
(0 to 1) |
Seasonal applied depth (mm) |
Average frequency (days) |
Fertilization application ( sc-1 )
Nitrogen | NP |
Phosphorus | NPK |
Manure |
Nitrogen stress factor | ![]() |
(0 to 1) |
Select location ( sc-2 )
Enter zip code: | |
or Click and Select on the map | |
Selected lat/lon: NONE |
Select crop ( sc-2 )
Cereals |
Pasture and forage |
Fibers |
Legumes |
Fruits and vegetables |
Sugar and stimulants |
Select planting and harvesting dates ( sc-2 )
Planting date: | |
Harvesting date: |
Specify yield ( sc-2 )
Select tillage ( sc-2 )
Type: |
Conventional |
Conservation |
Subsoil |
Light/weed-control |
Direction: |
Straight row |
Contour tillage |
Water management ( sc-2 )
Rainfed |
Auto irrigated |
Manually irrigated |
Water stress threshold | (0 to 1) |
Seasonal applied depth (mm) |
Average frequency (days) |
Fertilization application ( sc-2 )
Nitrogen | NP |
Phosphorus | NPK |
Manure |
Nitrogen stress factor | ![]() |
(0 to 1) |
Change units *
Water footprint | ET |
gallons/lb |
inch |
liters/kg |
mm |
Yield | Irrigation Depth |
lbs/acre |
inch |
kg/ha |
mm |
* Units can be changed only before footprint calculation.
About water footprint
The water footprint of an agricultural product is a measure of the consumptive water use required to produce a crop.
Water footprint is described in units of water volume used relative to mass of produce (gallons/lb or liters/kg).
EDIS publication
EDIS publication
Crop: | |||
City or (lng, lat): | |||
Planting Date: | |||
Harvest date: | |||
Yield (kg/ha): |
ET, green (mm): |
ET, blue (mm): |
ET, total (mm): |
Footprint, green (liters/kg): |
Footprint, blue (liters/kg): |
Footprint, total (liters/kg): |
Scenario 1 | ||
City or (lng, lat): | ||
Planting Date: | ||
Harvest date: | ||
Total rainfall (mm): |
Water stress index: |
![]() |
Scenario 2 |
Water Stress Index
Soil is characterized as one of 27 options based on three descriptions (texture, root zone depth, and organic matter content), each having three options.
These generic soil profiles were developed by HarvestChoice Labs (see: for use in crop modeling applications.
Clay soil is 60/25/15 % clay/silt/sand. Silt soil is 30/45/25 % clay/silt/sand. Sand soil is 5/3/92 % clay/silt/sand.
Deep, average, and shallow root zone depths correspond to depths of the soil profile of 180, 120, or 60 cm (or about 72, 48, and 24 in.)
For water balance and crop growth modeling, the root zone is divided into 6, 4, or 3 layers based on selection of deep, average, or shallow root zone.
These generic soil profiles were developed by HarvestChoice Labs (see: for use in crop modeling applications.
Clay soil is 60/25/15 % clay/silt/sand. Silt soil is 30/45/25 % clay/silt/sand. Sand soil is 5/3/92 % clay/silt/sand.
Deep, average, and shallow root zone depths correspond to depths of the soil profile of 180, 120, or 60 cm (or about 72, 48, and 24 in.)
For water balance and crop growth modeling, the root zone is divided into 6, 4, or 3 layers based on selection of deep, average, or shallow root zone.
The water stress threshold indicates plant stress due to water deficit, where a threshold of 0 indicates no plant growth and a
threshold of 1 indicates no reduction in growth due to water stress.
Under the auto-irrigation option, when water stress exceeds the threshold, irrigation is applied automatically until the water content of the soil profile reaches field capacity.
Under the auto-irrigation option, when water stress exceeds the threshold, irrigation is applied automatically until the water content of the soil profile reaches field capacity.
Nitrogen stress is calculated in the model only for non-legumes.
The nitrogen stress factor indicates plant stress due to nitrogen deficit, where 0 indicates no plant growth and 1 indicates no reduction in growth due to nitrogen stress.
When nitrogen stress exceeds the threshold, the selected fertilizer is applied. The amount applied is based on the modeled plant-uptake of mineral N.
The nitrogen stress factor indicates plant stress due to nitrogen deficit, where 0 indicates no plant growth and 1 indicates no reduction in growth due to nitrogen stress.
When nitrogen stress exceeds the threshold, the selected fertilizer is applied. The amount applied is based on the modeled plant-uptake of mineral N.
The water stress index (WSI) is an indicator of local water scarcity. It is based on total freshwater withdrawals (pumping for various types of water use), regional water supply infrastructure (canals and reservoirs), and freshwater availability (rainfall and streamflows).
WSI allows for more complete comparisons of potential impacts of blue water use in agriculture on local and regional freshwater sustainability. WSI ranges from 0.01 (low water stress) to 1 (high water stress), and a value of 0.5 represents a threshold of severe water stress.
WSI is calculated using the methods of Pfister et al., 2009 (Pfister, S., Koehler, A., Hellweg, S., 2009. Assessing the environmental impacts of freshwater consumption in LCA. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(11), 4098-4104), and it is available as a global KMZ file here:
WSI allows for more complete comparisons of potential impacts of blue water use in agriculture on local and regional freshwater sustainability. WSI ranges from 0.01 (low water stress) to 1 (high water stress), and a value of 0.5 represents a threshold of severe water stress.
WSI is calculated using the methods of Pfister et al., 2009 (Pfister, S., Koehler, A., Hellweg, S., 2009. Assessing the environmental impacts of freshwater consumption in LCA. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(11), 4098-4104), and it is available as a global KMZ file here:
Yield and ET estimations are calculated from physically-based models, and there is uncertainty in the simulated values. It is recommended that the yield value of a production system be input directly instead of using the simulated value. This can reduce the uncertainty in water footprint estimates. Also, users must be cautious when choosing location, crop, and planting and harvest dates to ensure the crop can grow at the selected location for the chosen time.